Christmas Padel Tournament 2021
Ladies and Gentlemen
Simon HDA Homes is grateful to be able to share these images of the day via the Dropbox link that follows.
Socail Padel Christmas Tournament held on 12th December 2021 at the Sports Center in Hacienda el Alamo.
30 players of mixed abilities enjoyed a fun filled, but competative morning followed by lunch, prize giving and Frank's Quizz, blue skies & a very pleasant 20 degrees. These tournaments are held two or three times per year with various formats and categories of players.
Many of the players are not permanent residents in Spain, holiday visitors and regular visitors are welcomed along when they are here, also many players from off the Resort.
Everybody is welcomed by the Padel,Group to come along and enjoy this fast growing sport, booking in advance please!
The current social padel sessions are running as follows:
Tuesday mornings** 10.00am to 11.30am**
Wednesday evenings **5.30pm to 7.00pm**
Friday mornings **10.00am to 11.30am**
Sunday mornings **10.00am to 11.30am**
Coaching with Fran - times to be arranged individually.
Social tennis sessions are running as follow:
Wednesday morning **10.30am to Midday
Friday afternoons **4.00pm to 5.30pm** (16.00-17.30hrs).
The cost is €3 per session which covers court hire and balls and we do have spare racquets available for tennis or padel tennis.
All are welcome to attend and please do message me if you need any further details.
Dropbox links:
(Click on the link on your device, either choose to open in dropbox if you have that app installed or continue on the web based version, flick through the images, on tablet or telephone, hold your finger on the image you wish to download and you should get the option to save it on your device!)
N.B. All images remain the copyright of Simon HDA Homes and are for personal use of the people contained wthin the images, should you wish to post on Social Media or use in a public content please mention Simon & Torill from Simon HDA Homes.
Thank You & Please Enjoy!