Simon HDA Homes TOP Facebook FAN 2020?
- Congratulations and huge thanks to Lesley Sissons Groom who was Simon HDA Homes top fan for 2020.....
’Light of a New Dawn’ is on its way to you
Big shout goes out to all of our followers and supporters on Facebook during 2020, your support and encouragement have really helped to establish Simon HDA Homes as a competitive brand within our environment and community, 2020 has been an awkward year, and from Torill and I, we would like to we wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and an Awesome 2021!
At the beginning of February 2021, we will be awarding another canvas picture to our ‘Top Facebook Fan‘ for the month of January 2021:
How does Facebook award Top Fan Badges to people?
Facebook has not talked or revealed much about the secret sauce algorithm behind the selection of worthy Top Fans. But here is what we know from Facebook so far. “People can become eligible for a top fan badge on your Page by being one of the most active people on your Page, which can include watching your Page’s videos, liking or reacting to content, and commenting on or sharing posts. People who qualify for and turn on top fan badges will have a badge next to their name when interacting with your Page’s content. They’ll also be publicly visible on a top fans list on your Page’s Community tab.” – Facebook
GOOD LUCK Simon HDA Homes FB Fans!